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Writing about clouds, infrastructure, automation, security, and applications since 2008.


Profile function for authenticating to VMware CCI
·2 mins
VCF Automation vExpert VMware Script Kubernetes Homelab vSphere CCI LazyOps
If you thought that using the vSphere plugin for kubectl required some typing, the CCI plugin requires more! Let’s simplify that process…
Profile function for authenticating to VMware VKS
·3 mins
VKS vExpert VMware Script Kubernetes Homelab vSphere Supervisor LazyOps
The vSphere plugin for kubectl allows you to authenticate to VMware VKS clusters with ease, but what if you’re a lazy typist? Lighten the load with this function!
Supervisor cluster running out of disk space in /dev/root
·4 mins
vSphere Supervisor VKS VMware vExpert Homelab Kubernetes
What do you do in the /dev/root filesystem in your Supervisor cluster is running out of room? Log a support request! But there is a short-term fix that I can share.
Using 'substring' in VCF Automation cloud templates
·3 mins
Automation VMware vExpert VCF Automation Homelab YAML IaC GitLab
Using the ‘substring’ expression in a VCF Automation template caused me a small issue recently. The fix is very simple!
An introduction to vSphere Supervisor and vSphere Kubernetes Service (VKS)
·5 mins
vSphere Supervisor VKS VMware vExpert Homelab Kubernetes
They’ve gone by many names, and I have been talking about them a fair bit, so I decided to do a quick introduction to the vSphere Supervisor and the vSphere Kubernetes Service (VKS).
Handling CA trust with vSphere Supervisor
·2 mins
vSphere Supervisor VMware vExpert Kubernetes TLS SSL Homelab Air Gap Airgapped
In this article I cover off how you can enable SSL trust in the vSphere Supervisor.
Setting up Vault Secrets Operator between Kubernetes Clusters
··6 mins
Vault HashiCorp Kubernetes Homelab VKS vExpert
I’ve been using the Vault Secrets Operator (VSO) in the same cluster as my Vault instance for some time. Setting up to use VSO between clusters is a little different. Here’s how…
Changing the ESXi certificate mode
·2 mins
vSphere VMware vExpert Security ESXi SSL TLS Homelab
In pursuit of trusted SSL everywhere? Haven’t changed the certificates on your ESXi host? Why not, it’s easy!
vSphere IaaS Supervisor "not ready" after vCenter update
·1 min
vSphere VMware vExpert IaaS Supervisor Kubernetes vCenter
Applying 8.0 Update 3c to vCenter stopped Supervisor configuration completing until I fixed it!
Using GitLab CI/CD to automate my Packer builds
·10 mins
Automation HashiCorp Packer DevOps Pipelines GitLab Homelab
Revisiting the automation of my vSphere Packer builds using GitLab a CI/CD pipeline.
Fixing Ansible AWX ingress when using the AVI load balancer
·7 mins
AVI VMware vExpert LoadBalancer SSL TLS Kubernetes AKO NSX AWX
Login to AWX worked without AVI Load Balancer, but not with it. I had to find out why and how to fix it!
vSphere Kubernetes shared Virtual Services show 80% health in the AVI dashboard
·5 mins
AVI VMware vExpert LoadBalancer SSL TLS Kubernetes AKO NSX
In this article I explain why shared Virtual Services show only 80% health in the AVI dashboard and how to fix it.