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vExpert 2024 Program Announcement
·1 min
Personal VMware vExpert
Whilst I was sleeping, the vExpert 2024 program annoucement came out. Did I make it in again?


VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle without Aria Automation
·1 min
VMware Aria Suite Automation Lifecycle
Did you know that you can download VMware Aria Suite Lifecycle without Aria Automation ISOs embedded?
Creating a Packer container for an Image Factory
·5 mins
HashiCorp Packer Docker Packer Docker Automation
How to create a simple Docker container for executing HashiCorp Packer builds.
Creating a simple Docker host using Photon OS and VMware Aria Automation
·7 mins
VMware Aria Automation Photon OS Docker Automation
This post goes through the creation of a standalone Docker host based on Photon OS. Then it gets turned in to a catalog item for Aria Automation.


·2 mins
Personal Career Health
Lots of people have been changing roles and employers in my Twitter and LinkedIn feeds lately. My time is coming…