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vSphere IaaS Supervisor "not ready" after vCenter update

·1 min
vSphere VMware vExpert IaaS Supervisor Kubernetes vCenter
Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

This is just a short post to mention an issue that I had today after applying an update to my Homelab’s vCenter server.

I applied the patch to take vCenter from 8.0 Update 3b to 8.0 Update 3c as I had a few updates to apply and saw that this one was waiting. The table below shows the details of these releases.

Release Name Version Release Date Build Number
vCenter Server 8.0 Update 3c 2024-10-09 24305161
vCenter Server 8.0 Update 3b 2024-09-17 24262322

The vCenter update went through well and shortly afterwards I noticed some activity in the IaaS control plane. The vCenter update clearly triggered something.

I checked back in with progress of this task after some time and saw that an issue had been flagged up.

Screenshot of the vSphere IaaS Supervisor cluster configuration update in progress
Figure 1: Configuration of the Supervisor cluster is stuck.

Checking the IaaS control plane release notes didn’t immediately suggest a resolution but I had noticed that during the vCenter update the vCenter server itself had not been restarted, so I decided to give that a try.

It worked! The errors were gone and the Supervisor cluster configuration completed.


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